If your credit card is refused, you will receive an error message in real time. Please check with your bank to make sure you have appropriate funds and please then try again. At any point, you can contact one of our customer happiness expert who can walk you through the necessary steps.
If you challenges making payment digitally. Our Customer Happiness experts can easily process payments over the phone for you. You will need to provide your credit card details and go through the necessary security steps, as set out by your bank. The transaction is safe and secure.
We work to make your experience satisfying as possible and we know that sometimes you might forget something or need to make a change. You can cancel or amend your order up until it has been prepared for delivery. We will keep you up to date with the process with phone updates so you know exactly How your product is. If you need to make any changes, please contact our Customer Care team.
Step 1.
Select a Product
Step 2
Select a occassion then click on Quick Buy Button
Step 3
If you have a Rich rose account click on Proceed button, If you don't have an Rich Rose account click on Guest Login box
Step 4
Complete the Delivery Date, Time and Gift Message
Then click on Submit button
Step 5
Add promo code
Complete the full address and click on save button
Step 6
Click on Proceed to payment button
Step 7
Proceed your payment method.
Step 8